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Technologies' Favorite Links -- Computer Security
See also: Math links
Computer Security
- CGI Security:
- Blacklist lookup
- check to see whether an IP address is on one of many blacklists
- CERT--Part of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). Charged with
disseminating security information. Definitely recommended. http://www.cert.org/
- CIAC -- Computer Incident Advisory Capability from the US DOE. Lists many
current vulnerabilities and security bulletins: http://www.ciac.org
- Electronic Frontier Foundation--"Protecting Rights and Promoting
Freedom on the Electronic Frontier." Excellent site for privacy- and
encryption-related news. http://www.eff.org/
- Counterpane.com--Cryptography expert Bruce Schneier's site, with an
excellent mailing list (still free!), articles, crypto links, and more.
Definitely recommended. http://www.counterpane.com
- StopBadWare.org
- Search badware website clearinghouse.
- ShieldsUP! free PC security tests
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) home page at the National Institute of
Standards and Technology--Center for official information on status of
finding a new government-approved encryption algorithm here.
paper: timing attack against AES; Bruce
Schneier on timing attacks.
- Peter Guttman's Encryption and Security Tutorial--very good overview! here.
- 2600.org--Hacker's site, online home of 2600 magazine, The Hacker
Quarterly. Excellent source of computer and telephony security
information. Use responsibly. See also the alt.2600 newsgroup. http://www.2600.org
- Phrack--Another hacker's site; enjoy but use responsibly. http://www.phrack.com/
- OphCrack - Open source Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/
- Deja News--excellent, free, newsgroup archive and search service. See
sci.crypt, alt.2600, and comp.risk. http://www.deja.com
- Computer Security FAQs at faqs.org--excellent source of security
information. here;
by the way, http://www.faqs.org is a very good place to start when looking
for faqs on any subject.
- North American Strong Cryptography Archive--for USA and Canadian citizens
only. Excellent list of cryptography and related software sites, including
links to Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), Blowfish, and much much more. http://cryptography.org/
- Cryptography links outside North America--Very good links here.
- International PGP home page--Very good Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), PGPFone,
PGP e-mail encryption, etc., links. http://www.pgpi.org/
- IT Security Cookbook--Very good free online book, a "self-help
guide" for system administrators and managers, with both general and
platform-specific help here.
Also, at the same site: CryptoNews--Cryptography-related news links. Note:
this was down when we checked it Sunday. We hope it was just for
maintenance; it is (or was?) a good site.
- Purdue University's COAST HotList--Award-winning top security site;
definitely recommended-- here.
- Ron Rivest's Crypto page--Lots of great links from the "R" in
"RSA"! Highly recommended-- here.
- NTL--A C library for doing number theory with arbitrarily large numeric
precisions and values. http://www.shoup.net/ntl/
- MIT course 6.857 on Network and Computer Security Home Page--Lots of good
material here!
- Snort.org: The Open Source
Network Intrusion Detection System
- L0pht Heavy Industries--Excellent security site.
<<"That vulnerability is completely
theoretical." -- Microsoft>>
<<"L0pht, Making the theoretical practical since
- Bugtraq--Excellent bug tracking site. Some info is free. http://www.securityfocus.com/
- 512-bit RSA-type key cracked--Schneier comments on current approximate
1-week time to crack a 512-bit RSA-type (involving factoring a number into
the product of two large primes) key, with links to source documents here.
- Cryptonym.com web site containing information from the finder of the
backdoor keys in Windows®, found online at:
Note: this was down when we checked it Sunday. We hope it was just for
maintenance; it is (or was?) a good site.
- The Honeynet Project -
excellent info on honeynets, including a free Honeywall
CDROM (downloadable bootable CD). See Honeynet
Definitions, Requirements, and Standards. See also the "Know
Your Enemy"(KYE) series of papers, e.g., phishing,
honeynets, GenII
honeynets. tracking
- Wired News on Microsoft Denial of "NSA" key, found online here.
- Bruce Schneier comments on the "NSA" key in the Microsoft
CryptoAPI, found online here.
- ACM PKP Computer Security Subway Map: here.
- ARIN - American Registry for
Internet Numbers. How to get IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, AS numbers, and
Transfer, Help Desk, and Reassignment information.
WHOIS, RWhois, and Routing Registry information.
See also: Referral Whois
(also here),
Guidelines for IPv4,
SWIP (Shared WhoIs
Project), RFC2167,
APNIC (Asia Pacific Network
Information Centre), Latin
American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC)...
TuCows Internet
software downloads
- Exchange Points,
VisualRoute Server
- International Information Systems Security
Certification Consortium -- (ISC)2 -- CISSP, SSCP certifications
- Handbook of
Information Security Management - now available in full text online!
Open Study Guides - good source of security and certification information
- HIPAA Academy - good source of
information on HIPAA and certification
- EC-Council Ethical Hacking
Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society. A report from the
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the National Research
Council, 2000. Available as a paid PDF or as free text.
- Historical Cryptography -
info on historical ciphers
- Mathematical Moments from AMS - math teaching aids: 'Securing Internet Communication,' more...
- Fermat - info on the mathematician
- Testing Primes - news of the prime testing algorithm of Agarwal, Kayal, and Saxena
- Spy Museum Game - Email a coded message
- Bletchley Park - official site
- The Quantum Computer - Caltech introduction to quantum computers
National Academies Press - good source for free CS books
- Specially
Designated Nationals List (SDN) - US Treasury blacklist of people with
whom one cannot do business
McAfee Security
-- anti-virus and security software
Every effort is made to keep these links up-to-date. Please write if you have suggestions or comments.
We are adding more to this site every week. Check back soon, and thank you for visiting.
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