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"Engineering is done with numbers. Analysis without numbers is merely
opinion." - Akin's first law of spacecraft design
Technologies' Favorite Links --- Math and Science
Math & Science
- NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
- American Institute of Mathematics (AIM)
Problem Lists
- Math Pronunciation
Guide - guide to the pronunciation of many math-related names etc.
- Mathematics: The Most Misunderstood Subject - excellent article by Dr. Robert H. Lewis, Professor of Mathematics, Fordham University.
- Mathlinks.ro - excellent site for math
olympiads, active and helpful online forums
- Czech Digital Mathematics Library - search journals and other math resources
- Joseph Malkevitch's home page - has good links and some education resources
- Space Science and Exploration
- Space Links -- links to space agencies, space societies, and more
- Solve My Math
- solves definite integrals and other problems
over the Internet.
- Quickmath
- solves college and high school problems automatically, using Mathematica
over the Internet.
- solves and graphs college and high school problems automatically, using Mathematica
over the Internet.
An Introduction
to Group Theory - public domain textbook
OpenMathText.org - free math lecture
FreeMathTexts.org - free math
Linear Algebra - free
Elements of Abstract and Linear
Algebra - free textbook (copyrighted though)
List of Open Math
Another list of Open Textbooks
- The Math Forum
at Swarthmore: excellent source of information by subject, plus math FAQs http://forum.swarthmore.edu/
Mathematics for Computer Science -- Online
Linear Algebra and Applications textbook
Compendium of NP-hard problems
- Calculus.org - calculus resources
Pi Day - Five Tasty Facts about the famous ratio (New Scientist, 3/12/2010)
- Pi Search Page - search for
strings in pi
- TeX and LaTeX Resources:
- Mathematics Societies:
- Clay Mathematics Institute
- home of the $1000000 'millenium' problems
- Open Problems for
Undergraduates - DIMACS at Rutgers. Unsolved problems.
- Dimensions-math.org - chapters
and videos exploring 4th-dimensional objects and related math
- Minesweeper and P vs NP:
- Sokoban - mathematically interesting
and addictive game; warning: this site has spyware popups; make sure you say "No" when asked if you want to install them
Mathematically Interesting Games
Graph paper printing program
for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP: excellent! Prints many different types of
graph paper. Graph Paper Printer is a program designed to
print out an amazing variety of graph papers, customized and impossible to find
in stationeries: lin, log, polar, axonometric, isometric, probability, square
root, quadratic, Rayleigh, Weibull, Smith, binomial, Mercator. A bonus is made
of music staff manuscripts, shapes, patterns, calendars, handwriting paper,
tables, lego paper, targets, dial indicators. You can add titles, captions,
copy/paste in your word processor. Printing is possible up to A3 format. Graph
Paper Printer is primarily an educational tool that is useful from the
elementary level to university, but will help at home for hobbies and in any job
related to sciences or designing. Definitely recommended. $20.
- Graph Theory, 4th Edition, by Diestel - free online e-book
- Graphdrawing.org -- organization for
those into graph theory, graph drawing, etc. Home of GraphML XML-based format
for graph representation.
- Tulip
Project - dedicated to visualization of huge graphs
- Maple Tutorials:
Fundamental Physical Constants from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST):
Eric's Treasure Trove of Physics:
excellent source for physics definitions and information. http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~eww6n/physics/physics.html
- Dictionary of Science and Technology -- free online from Academic Press
- The CRC
Encyclopedia of Mathematics (Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics): Huge
and wonderful math
resource, hosted at Wolfram. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/.
- Mathematical
logic resource; fuzzy
logic; download
a brief course in fuzzy logic
- Fallacies
to avoid; fallacies
found in incorrect proofs
- Mathematical
- Russell's
Paradox, and more
Russell's Paradox discussion, and more at Cut
the Knot.
- Set Theory: History
of Set Theory; Notes
on Set Theory; Venn Diagrams;
Set Operations
- World of
Numbers: cool site! http://www.ping.be/~ping6758/
- Niel Sloane's Online
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
- Sorting and Searching
Algorithms: A Cookbook
- Computational Complexity: A
Compendium of NP Optimization Problems
- Undecidability
of the Halting Problem -- a discussion in poem form :)
- Goldbach's
Conjecture (and related news)
- The Prime Pages -- lists
of prime numbers, prime-related programs
- Mersenne Primes
- Notes and
Literature about Prime Numbers -- has interactive programs to help explore
- Number Theory Web
- The Euler Project -- making many of Euler's writings available in translation
- Fibonacci
Numbers and the Golden Mean -- lots of info
- Modular Arithmetic
site at Cut the Knot
- Bliss Sloan answers a reader's question
on the speed of light
- Science Magazine:
- Science News Magazine:
- Scientific American magazine:
- The Institute of Physics, excellent site:
- Science Web Links - excellent links!:
- Proving
functions 1-to-1 ; Proving
functions onto
- Notes
on methods of proof
- Samples
of proofs using induction
- Recursive
procedures -- an
- Cut
the Knot -- "interactive mathematical miscellany and
puzzles" -- find a variety of proofs here
- Ordinary
Differential Equations resources from Prof. G. Donald Allen
- Graph Theory info:
- Troves of Science, very good site:
- Dave's Math Tables in English and Spanish:
- Mathematics Electronic Library at the Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
- Finite
Mathematics and Applied Calculus Resource Page: http://www.hofstra.edu/~matscw/RealWorld/index.html
-- excellent resource, plus good online and software tools!
- Hashing -- RSA
Lab's FAQ on Hashing
- A-to-Z
- Introduction to
- RSA FAQ on Cryptography
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography -- by Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone, available FREE online! This wonderful book is the biggest bargain in crypto yet! A definite download must! Our VP reads in this one over and over. It has great info and is an excellent guide for directed study. :)
- Bart Preneel's Home page -- lots of great info from the crypto expert -- a definite must-read for crypto lovers!
- CLN -- Bruno Haible's bignum computation FTP site -- huge list of files related to big number computations, including gmp.
- MAGMA Computational Algebra System
-- "Magma is a large, well-supported software package designed to solve computationally hard problems in algebra, number theory, geometry and combinatorics. It provides a mathematically rigorous environment for computing with algebraic, number-theoretic, combinatoric and geometric objects."
- CWI Project -- Computational number theory and data security
- Sloan's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
- The Combinatorial Object Server
- Peter Cameron's home
page - combinatorics resource
- The New Proof of the Four-Color Theorem
- World Web Math at MIT - attempts to present concepts of undergraduate math on the Web. Not complete, but has sections on calculus and vector calculus as of this writing.
- HFLOAT -- "Jörgs useful and ugly HFLOAT page" -- useful huge floating point routines, other "bignum" routines and info, 64k digits of pi, comparison of pi-generation algorithms, more pi and e links! Like the author says, this is a useful site! "Parental warning: explicit numbers" :)
- Number theoretic packages, by Keith Matthews -- list of number theory FTP sites and calculators
- Journal of Craptology -- humorous journal for cryptology fans :)
- The hash function RIPEMD-160
-- Bart Preneel's wonderful RIPEMD-160 page is full of very interesting facts.
- Dave's
English-Spanish Math Dictionary: http://www.sisweb.com/math/spanish/eng-spa.htm
- Euclidean
Algorithm tutorial
- Chinese Remainder
Theorem at Cut the Knot
- Matrix
Multiplication Algorithms
- University of Oregon Physics page, with useful tutorials, etc.:
- Syracuse University applets on relativity:
- Davidson College Physics site, has
"physlets," or Java applets about physics:
- exoScience - Science of Space, etc.:
- Yucky - Yucky.com, the "best place for science experiments for kids":
- Physics News:
- Space News Online:
- Federation of American Scientists -- "The Federation of American Scientists conducts analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy, including national security, nuclear weapons, arms sales, biological hazards, secrecy, education technology, information technology, energy and the environment. FAS is a privately-funded non-profit policy organization whose Board of Sponsors includes 58 of America's Nobel laureates in the sciences." Has good military and "spy" info.
- Tutorial
on representing numbers in bases, with software
- Bases: Binary Arithmetic, Octal Arithmetic, Decimal, Hexadecimal Arithmetic
- Word
Problem practice and help:
- Job Completion Math
Problems Review, #1, by Crystal (Bliss) Sloan
- Job Completion Math
Problems Review, #2, by Crystal (Bliss) Sloan
- Job Completion Math
Problems Review, #3, by Crystal (Bliss) Sloan
Word Problems
for Kids
-- Problems are rated by grade, for 5th through 12th grades.
If you can do all these, you should be OK with many project management word problems.
Word Problems on
Job Completion
-- If you can always get problems like these right, you
should do just fine solving scheduling and resource allocation problems using
project management software.
SOS Math -- Algebra
-- Most of this page is beyond what you will need in introductory project management classes, but the
arithmetic links at the beginning talk about problems you should be able to
Archives - Topics in Math - Arithmetic
-- Lots of links for help with arithmetic from the University of Tennessee in
-- even more word problems for K-6, including job completion problems! Has
English and other problems, too. For example, see the "tailor"
problem in the K-6 Word Problems Level I and Level II.
Mathematics Online Education
Every effort is made to keep these links up-to-date. Please write if you have suggestions or comments.
We are adding more to this site every week. Check back soon, and thank you for visiting.
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