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Technologies' Favorite Links -- Translation Services
Free Foreign Language Courses from
the US Government
- Translation
Free Website Localization
is a collaborative translation project to help webmasters get free multilingual
versions of their web sites. There are many webmasters who understand English
but are native speakers of another language. Thanks to the multicultural nature
of its users, Free Localization effectively enables online peer to peer
translations. Users can manage, coordinate and exchange website translations by
means of a complete set of online localization tools. The service is free.
English to French,
English to German,
English to Italian,
English to Norwegian,
English to Portuguese, English to Spanish,
French to English,
German to English, Spanish to English:
Free Translation:
- SDLDesktop
Translator from FreeTranslation
- Instantly translate your documents and emails
- Instant Translations from your Desktop
- SDLChat
Translator from FreeTranslation
- Translate your instant chat messages
- Instant Multilingual Messaging
- software that lets you click on any word to translate it.
Instant translation and lookup software and service, with
12 languages, including English-to-English. Especially excellent for those
whose native language is not English,
but also good for quick word look-ups even for native English speakers. Highlight an unfamiliar word on a
web page, and a definition in your chosen language is often a click away!
Lingo24 offers "translation
services, website
localisation and other related language
services to international companies, government agencies and other
translation agencies around the world." Also,
free online Arabic-English and
English-Arabic dictionary, an Arabic
language paraphrasing tool, and English
language paraphrasing tool. Also available is a collection
of free online multilingual translation tools.
- Professional Language Translation Services
translation Guarani - Spanish - German - translates single words
Real Academia Espaņola - definitive Spanish dictionary
New-Lingo - New Zealand and UK
translation service agency
Chinese Words Database - audio pronunciation and calligraphic animation
for Chinese words and phrases, and multi-linked keywords for you to search the
Chinese-to-English reference.
grammar by Matthew Stroud at trinity.edu
- free text analysis software from TransBabylon
Free machine translation services (some limits on document length):
English to French,
English to German,
English to Italian, English to Portuguese,
English to Spanish,
French to English, German to English,
Italian to English,
Spanish to English,
Portuguese to English:
Altavista: http://babelfish.altavista.com
Infoseek/Go Network: http://translator.go.com
Voila.com: http://www.voila.com/Services/Translate/
Systran Software: http://www.systransoft.com
Dictionary.com: http://www.dictionary.com/translate/
T-Mail: http://www.t-mail.com/
(translates e-mail)
Every effort is made to keep these links up-to-date. Please write
feedback2 @ ertin.com
if you have suggestions or comments.
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